Tips For Losing Weight That Cost Nothing

Tips For Losing Weight That Cost Nothing

Here are some tips for losing weight that do not cost anything and require no equipment.

Not Eating Before Bed

Do NOT eat in the 3 hours before bed.

The stomach takes about 3-4 hours to clear food from it. While we sleep, our body is in a fasting state. The stomach uses body energy to digest food, so if the stomach is full or has food in it when you go to sleep, your body cannot enter the fasting state it needs to really re-coupe and re-energize itself.

Usually, this alone can have a large effect on the body

Free Exercise Plan

When you wake up in the morning, right after getting out of bed, before you do anything else, do this…

  • Imaginary Jump Rope – 5 minutes straight (break only to catch your breath)
  • Push-Ups – 5 minutes of pushups, if you can no longer do normal ones, be on your knees and break only to catch your breath
  • Sit-Ups – 5 minutes of sit-ups in the morning

15 minutes of exercise in the morning is a great way to start the day, burn fat and make you feel alive, build muscle too.

We Used To Eat Only Around Lunch Time

In this great article by Erin Browdin, from the Business Insider, on Science Alert website, he tells about the history of our eating habits. See below..

For hundreds of years, we ate only one big meal – around noon

If eating a large meal and crashing at the end of the day seems inevitable, it’s helpful to remember that for hundreds of years, Westerners ate only one large meal a day – typically right in the middle of the day.

The Romans, for example, dined only once, usually around noon. In colonial America, one main meal was served in the middle of the day. Europeans, too, noshed almost exclusively at noon, when the most natural light was available for cooking, with the exception of farmers and laborers, who woke up early and typically grabbed a snack of something leftover from the day’s previous meal.

Most Westerners owe breakfast to the long and early work hours of the Industrial Revolution. Heavy laborers needed a morning snack to fuel them for the daily grind. Factory workers couldn’t go home in the middle of the day, so between that morning meal and their supper at home, workers took snack breaks at the canteens and food carts that began popping up outside factories during this time. Here, lunch may have been born.

Read the full article here.