Additional Men’s Services
In addition to testosterone, we can get you treated for other services at affordable prices through our affiliated partner clinic that provides specialty beauty services for men.
Laser Hair Removal For Men
Remove excess unwanted hair. This treatment permanently removes body hair. The laser targets the darkest spot and zaps it, killing the root of the hair so it doesn’t grow back. It may take a few treatments; the lighter your skin is to the hair, the less treatments it generally takes.
Underarms go quickly, chest, neck and back hair go easily.
Botox/ Xeomin/Dysport
Smooths away lines and wrinkles; We treat men differently than women to create a natural, more youthful look. No downtime. Numbing cream is added for virtually no discomfort.
Men’s Facial Filler
Facelift without the surgery. Results are amazing. Gives you your chisel back by naturally lifting the aging face.
- Radiesse
- Juvéderm
- Restylane
- Restylane Silk
- Perlane
- Sculptra
- Belotero
You’d be amazed at what filling out some of the lines and lifting a few wrinkles can do to help you feel younger and more confident.
Quick in-office treatment to reduce or erase a double chin.
IPL Laser
Reduce redness and sunspots, stimulate collagen. Zero downtime. Walk out feeling and looking better immediately.
Fraxel Laser
Remove Sun Spots, acne scarring and deep lines and wrinkles.
Men’s BioFacial
Reduce pore size, acne scarring, redness and makes skin appear smoother and refreshed.
Same benefits as BioFacial but amplified by using your own plasma.
Facial Peels
Customized for men’s skin to address imperfections such as brown spots, large pores, fine lines, etc.
Endy Med/ Reaction/ Thermage
Skin tightening on the face or body
Relax and rejuvenate your skin with soothing, customized facial.
B12 Ultraburn Injections
Weekly injection packed with B vitamins to increase energy and metabolize fat